Top 10 Most Exciting Films in 2012

5 01 2012


As it is now the beginning of the New Year I thought I would share with you Which Films I am most looking forward too.

10. Prometheus: Prometheus is the Prequel to the original Alien. Ridley Scott is directing it with Noomi Rapace in the lead role alongside actors like Guy Pearce and the Fantastic Idris Elba. While I am a kind of Fan of the Alien franchise I am a very sensitive person in the horror genre and find it hard to sit through most Horror Films including most of the Alien Films, so it could be hard for me to watch this (if I watch it at all).

9. Wrath of the Titans: Sequel to the 2010 Clash of the Titans this film is quite Interesting especially seeing as the original Clash of the Titans did not have a Sequel so it is going to be interesting to see how this turns out.

8. Men in Black III: Prepare yourself for more funny Alien Fun in the third film in the series as both Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones return to make us laugh.

7. The Muppets: The Muppets have had a long film career with amazing films like Muppets From Space, Muppet Christmas Carol and Muppet Treasure Island. This sees the return of the Muppets as they try to make us all laugh once again. You are never too old to enjoy The Muppets.

6. Battleship: This one is probably the strangest of films in 2012. With the success of Transformers Hasbro decided to make a film based on the popular strategy Game. The idea of the film is that you will see the 2 points of view between the Humans Fleet and the Aliens Fleet. Sounds Bizzare but it also looks very Good and it also looks like one of the years strongest Action Films.

5. Iron Sky: In 1945 the Nazi’s fly to the moon in the hope that one day they will return to Conquer the Earth. in 2018 They Return. Basically you can sum this film up as Nazi’s in Space. It looks like a fantastic Idea and it is kind of surprising that an idea like this has not happened yet.

4. Star Wars – The Phantom Menace 3D: Yes Star Wars is being re-released but this time it is in 3D (A format that does not really work). Star Wars is still Fantastic to this day and as a result of that I would really like to see them all again. OK if they are being shown in 2D format I will probably watch them like that. However because this is George Lucas it can be assured that the Film will not get released until he is happy with it. So if the effect is not achievable the film will not be released.

3. The Dark Knight Rises: The Third and Final Nolan Batman Film. This film has both Bane and Selina Kyle as the villains. It is a good thing that this is the last one because then it stops the series from expanding rapidly and ruining it. The Last film is also exciting because you are excited to see how it is going to finish just like the last episode of a TV series.  This is by far the best of the Batman Film series and with Nolan doing it it should be an Amazing Film.

2. The Host Sequel/Prequel: One of the Best Monster Films in Recent Years. Released at a time when there were no Godzilla Films being released The Host stepped into the spot light to become one of the best Monster Movies in Cinema History. Now after six years The Host returns with a sequel. This time it is a prequel and is apparently going to have lots of Monsters. It has also been announced that the film will be in 3D.

Godzilla 2014 (Legendary Pictures - 2014)

1. Godzilla: What else do you think was going to top my favourite films list for 2012. Now this is very optimistic because there has been several changes to who is writing the script and so there has not been much updates about when the film is being Shot. It may not come out this year like it is planned but if it does come out it should be an Incredible film and also should show people what Godzilla is all about so they can forget that 1998 (NOT TECHNICALLY A GODZILLA FILM) Godzilla.

Well that is my Top 10 Films I am most excited about. What films are you looking forward to, are any of mine on your list?



First 12 for 12: 2 – 10 to go

Last Book I Read: The Bible

Last TV show I watched: Hairy Bikers (I listened to it because the TV was behind me)

Latest Piece of Music I have heard: Saxon – Wheels of Steel

Last piece of Food I ate: Microwaveable Chocolate Pudding with After Eight Ice Cream

Main Colour of Clothing I am Wearing: Black

Web Pages that I have open: WordPress, Saxon – Wheels of Steel (YouTube)

Am I Winning this Challenge: Second Place at the moment.